Tuesday, December 22, 2009

RTC Desk Clocks

The High School business students and Elite Corp members joined forces to complete the Annual Business Project.  This year's design was a desk clock that was engraved with the Rabiner logo.  The students created the design on the computer and used woodworking skills to finish the wood.  The students built 75 clocks and the ENTIRE inventory was sold on the FIRST day!!   

The profits from the activity will be used to pay for the supplies needed for the business students to complete their individual projects.  The Elite Corp will be using their share of the profits for an off campus outing.

Middle School Cells

6th Grade Science Cells

8th Grade Science Cells
Mrs. Lunn and Mrs. Armitage's 6th and 8th grade science classes made edible cells. They each read a chapter on cells, discussing the organelles and their functions. Each student was given jello and a bag of candy to make a cell. They had to decide what candy to use for each organelle and make a key. After the cell was finished they had to verbalize each organelles function to get credit. The students enjoyed eating their cell the most! Nice job students!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies, YUMMY!!

Ms. Adam's and Ms. Amanda's High School Foods Class learned how to bake chocolate chip cookies. They did a great job and by the looks of it they are really good at eating them too!!

STAR Student From 12/14 - 12/22/09

Congratulations Devon!!! We are very proud of your improvements in behavior and academics! Keep up the great work!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vocational Students Finish OSHA Training

Mrs. Winge and Mr. Seltz's Vocational Students recently completed OSHA training with each receiving their certification for construction. Tom Anderson, from Iowa Central Community College, was the instructor for the course and made the presentations by celebrating with pizza. Way to go guys!

High School Presentations

After the health presentation from Community Family Resources, the high school Health students presented to the middle school students the discoveries of the effects of tobacco use. Skits, coloring books, and a brochure were the methods of presentation. Each student did a great job and the middle school students learned a lot!

Community Family Resources

 Community Family Resources presented to the high school and middle school Health classes on Tuesday, Dec. 16. Topics covered were tobacco, both smokeless and smoking, drugs, and alcohol abuse. A pigs lung was used as a visual demonstration of a smoked filled lung. Students were able to ask questions as well as touch some of the models used to demonstrate the effects of tobacco abuse.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Individual Projects

Mr. Dave and Mr. Guddall's Intro to Business class is working on individual projects since they have finished their class project. Each student chose something they would like to make and are working on it. The students seem to enjoy time in the shop and building things.

Bob the Builder

This is one of our maintenance men, Bob, hard at work fixing a RTC vehicle in his nice and cozy shop!

STAR Student Week of 11-30 to 12-4

Kelvin was our STAR student for the week of 11-30 to 12-4.  He had an outstanding week!  Keep up the great work Kelvin!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wanna Ride??

Mr. Dave and Mr. Guddall came up with a great idea for their electronics and technology literacy class this semester. The electric vehicle was a joint effort of the two classes. The technology literacy class disassembled the bicycle frames that were used to support the tires. The students were also required to measure and cut steel to complete the chassis. The electronic students wired the controls and the hub motor that powers the car. The majority of the materials needed to build the car were donated by school staff. Thank you to all that helped make this project possible and wonderful job Mr. Dave, Mr. Guddall, and the students! What a great way to get around Rabiner's, maybe they should start manufacturing them!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Middle School Pilgrim Hats

The Middle School made Pilgrim hats out of marshmallows, a fudge striped cookie, and a little chocolate.  They were delicious!  It was a fun activity for those who had not left for their Thanksgiving visits yet!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Lunch!

On Tuesday, November 24th, the kitchen prepared a delicious Thanksgiving Day lunch for the students, teachers, and staff. Everyone enjoyed a large plate of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, a roll, and fresh vegetables. The lunch was topped off with a piece of pie and whipped cream!! Everyone left stuffed and ready for a nap! Thank you to everyone that made the lunch possible and a special thank you to the kitchen staff!

Laser Tag and Bowling!!

The students who earned the Transition award and were drawn from the bucket got to go bowling and play laser tag with Mr. Ron and Ms. Kimberly.  As you can see the kids had a ton of fun!  Ms. Kimberly snaped pictures in the laser tag room and tried to stay safe!

Student of the Week for 11-9

Congratulations to Chris W. for being Student of the Week for the week of 11-9 to 11-13.  You have been doing awesome!  Great job!!