Friday, January 29, 2010

Middle School Content Awards!

High School Content Awards!

Transition Award Winners for January!

These are the transition winners for the month of January. Ten of these lucky gentlemen will be going bowling and playing laser tag with Mr. Ron. Nice job and have fun!!

Good Conduct Award for January!

We finally were able to have the January Awards Ceremony due to all the snow days we have had lately. These students have done a wonderful job staying in class and working hard all month! Way to go guys!! They will be celebrating with an ice cream party next week! ENJOY! 

Friday, January 15, 2010

Transition Bowling Trip

Noah getting some bowling advice from the bowling king, Mr. Ron!
Looks like Mr. Ron just missed the strike!
By the different faces I think we can tell who got the highest scores!

Fun in the arcade!
The December Transition Club Winners got to finally take their bowling and laser tag trip this week! It had to be postponed due to the snow storm in December. I think they all enjoyed their afternoon of fun and games!

Transition Laser Tag

These gentlemen are getting their game faces on before they head into the laser tag room!!
Ready for action!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ms. Adam's Delicious Treats!

Ms. Adam's supplied a room full of treats for everyone the last day of school before Christmas break! This was also her birthday!! Happy Belated Birthday Ms. Adams!! The foods classes helped prepare the cheesecake, fudge and meatballs. Thank you!