Wednesday, February 17, 2010

24 Club and Transition Field Trip

These gentlemen had a VERY fun time of sledding, tubing, and making gigantic snow balls!  They also got to enjoy pizza, cookies, and hot chocolate.  Although it was cold, coming in to have the hot cocoa was just enough to warm up and go out again in the afternoon!  Thanks to all that helped make this happen, it was an AWESOME day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Team Building Fun!

The Educational Staff had a team building meeting at Ridgewood Lanes last Friday! Everyone had a great time bowling and interacting with each other. The staff enjoyed the time together and stress free environment! We witnessed some staff members that need to polish up on their bowling skills for next time!!

Happy Groundhog's Day from our very own Mr. Hart!

Monday, February 1, 2010

High School Student of the Month

Devlin earned the High School Student of the Month at the January awards.  He has demonstrated positive behaviors and academics this month.  Great work Devlin!  He will be joining our MS Student of the Month Noah off-campus out to eat! 

Middle School Student of the Month

Noah V. was awarded the Middle School Student of the Month at the January awards ceremony.  He is lucky enough to go off-campus to eat with a staff of his choice!  Way to be a great role model Noah!

Middle School and High School 24 Club Winners

These gentlemen have earned enough 24's for the month to go on a field trip that is right here at RTC...sledding!  These students will be going sledding right behind the school on the RTC hill on Thursday the 4th.  They will also be enjoying hot cocoa, pizza, and cookies!  We all know we have plenty of snow!  Have fun and stay warm!