Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sub Award and 24 Club Winners

The students on the left earned the Sub Award for displaying excellent behaviors while Mrs. B was substituting in the classrooms.  On the right, these students earned the 24 Club trip in which they went to the Science Center!  What a FUN trip!!  Keep up the great work!

Students of the Month

Chris and Dalton were Students of the Month.  The enjoyed a meal off-campus with staff members!  Excellent work gentlemen, and thank you for being great role models!!

Awards Pictures

We had another very successful awards ceremony.  Our 1st T-shirt was given out for earning the 3rd punch card for the STARS punch cards by a student!  There were many individual High School and Middle School awards given for highest grades in the class, most improved, best artist, and several others!  The students are always very proud when they earn an award, as are the teachers!  Great job gentlemen!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

High School Foods Class

Ms. Adams food class was cutting up veggies and making some tasty treats in Foods class!!

St. Patrick's Day Treat

Ms. Andrew made two clover cakes for St. Patrick's Day for us to all enjoy in the middle school!  It was really good and the kids loved it!  Thanks Ms. Andrew!

CSI Live

The Middle School had the great opportunity to go to ISU for the CSI: Live performance.  It taught lots of neat science skills that they use at crime scenes and the performers were very interactive with the crowd.

STAR Student Week of 3-15-10

Austin S. was the STAR student for the week of 3-15-10.  He has been really doing well academically and behaviorally.  Great job Austin!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

24 Club Field Trip

Students achieving the 24 Club Award went cross country skiing and ice fishing on Thursday, March 4 at Kennedy park in Fort Dodge.  Ice fishing, skiing, snowboarding, and sledding were all part of the day's events.  The students were also awarded with pizza, pop, and other refreshments to keep them fueled.  As you can see, they had a lot of fun!  We are looking forward to the snow melting so that some real fishing can happen with Mr. Ron!  Great work gentlemen!  We appreciate your hard work!  Thanks to everyone involved and helping make this happen!

Recycling Center Tour

Mr Dave's Intro to Business and Ms Winge's Civics Literacy Classes recently toured the Midwest Recycling Center In Fort Dodge. The classes are involved in a community based project entitled "Reducing our Carbon Footprints".  It was learned that glass, plastics, cardboard, and newspaper are baled and then shipped out for resale to be made into new products, such as shirts, carpets and other household items.


Who is your hero?  This is what the Middle School students in Ms. Rachel's English class wrote about.  Her students participated in the Fort Dodge Messenger's annual Newspaper In Education Writing Contest.  More than 30 students submitted entries, and the top three essays were selected as winners in each of two grade categories.  Essays were judged on the following criteria:  concise description of the hero, use of examples and supporting details, grammar, usage and spelling, organization, and creativity.  The essay was to be 300-400 words, and because of all of the snow days, time was limited to write this for our RTC students!  The contest winners are receiving gift certificates to the Crossroads Mall!  In the 5th/6th Grade category, the 1st place winner was Brian O., and the Honorable Mention was Anthony Mc.  
Great job gentlemen!  We are so proud of you!  Kudos to Ms. Rachel as well for having her students participate in a great community experience! 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat Musical at ICCC

 Our entire school was fortunate enough to attend the musical at ICCC this week.  The musical was Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.  The ICCC students did a PHENOMENAL job at performing this musical!  In this retelling of the Biblical story, Joseph, who is his father's favorite child, is able to interpret dreams, and was given an amazingly colorful coat. His eleven brothers are extremely jealous and decide to sell Joseph into slavery to some passing Ishmaelites.  Joseph is sent to jail after it was thought that he was making a pass at the Potipher's wife. Once in jail, he quickly becomes popular due to his ability to interpret dreams. The Pharaoh hears of Joseph's ability and makes him his #2 man in Egypt. Years later, Joseph's starving brothers arrive in Egypt and ask Joseph, (whom they don't recognize), for help. Joseph, in turn, gives his brothers a scare, but eventually grants them all they desire, reveals his identity, and reunites the family.

Thank you to ICCC for inviting us and we suggest to everyone to go and see it!  Awesome job!

STAR Student for 2-22 to 2-26

Brady is the STAR student for the week of 2-22 to 2-26.  Great work Brady!  Way to be a great role model!

Student of the Week 2-15 to 2-19

Great job Anthony!  You have made outstanding improvements this past month!  Keep up the great work :)

February Awards

We had a wonderful Awards Ceremony for the month of February.  Even with all the snow days, we still had plenty to celebrate!  Congrats to all of those that made improvements, accomplished a goal, and continue to do well on a daily basis.  We are proud of you all!