Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PBIS Posters

Thank you to Mr. Randy and Mr. Rick for putting up all of our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) posters!  They were hung up in our gym with Plexiglas.  We appreciate them taking the time to do this!  They look great! 

Ms. Kimberly!

Mr. Wood

We want to extend a big thanks to Mr. Wood for his years at Rabiner.  He will truly be missed by everyone.  As you can see, he was a big part of some of the students' lives out here, and they will miss being able to chat with him or calm down with him.  Best of luck to you Mr. Wood, and thanks for all you did in your time here!


Just want to give an extra thanks to all of our Interventionists, Teacher Associates, and Mr. Patrick for all the extra supports and hard work this year, and especially the past few months! 

More Awards!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

High School and Middle School Awards

April Awards!

Awesome job guys!  Enjoy your rewards and keep pushing for the last month of school!!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ms. Rachel, Mrs. Armitage, and Mr. Simon took High School and Middle School students into a Star Lab for Science and English.  It was set up in the computer lab for about a week.  The students had a really fun experience going inside the Star Lab as many had never used one before.  Students looked at Native American, Greek Mythology, Tectonic plates, and Cell cylinders.  The teachers read about each cylinder to the students and they were very excited because they had just studied Greek Mythology in English, and Cells in Science!  Thank you to Ms. Rachel for ordering it, and for Ms. Rachel and Mr. Simon for getting it ready to go!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6th Grade Tornadoes

The 6th graders made tornadoes for Science class.  They have been discussing severe weather and during National Severe Weather Awareness Week they made tornadoes!  The students did a trial and error with them as the water bottles they used at first did not work.  They ended up using plastic pop bottles with a little food coloring in the water to make them stand out.  The students really enjoyed talking about severe weather and making the tornadoes! 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Steve Grant

The Middle School students had an awesome opportunity to visit the Manson High School to listen to Steve Grant speak, who is a former NFL football player for the Indianapolis Colts.  Mr. Grant is a motivational speaker to help young people make positive choices.  Each student also received a signed football card from him!  He was very inspirational and made some really good points to our students.  One of his famous quotes is, "You are not born a winner.  You are not born a loser.  You are born a chooser!"  Mr. Grant discussed how it is important to have goals and dreams, but you must put forth the effort to make the goal and dream come true.  If not, he called them, "A nightmare of wasted potential!"  He said "Goals are dreams with deadlines".  Thanks for the opportunity to listen to such a wonderful message!

STAR Student for 4-5

Delton was our STAR student for the week of 4-5 to 4-9.  Delton has been a great role model for our Middle School students.  Keep up the great work!

STAR Student 3-22 to 3-26

Devon was the STAR student for the week of 3-22 to 3-26.  He has been a GREAT leader and earned nine 24's in a row!