Monday, September 27, 2010


Jeff Hanson came to the RTC high school graduation in May 2010. Jeff Hanson grew up without hands and one leg.  The doctors were baffled when Hanson was born and had no explanation why he was born this way.  Jeff Hanson found his talent in drawing at the age of five when his dad brought home a bag with a dancing snoopy on it, and he drew it close to perfection!  His parents saw his talents and encouraged him to pursue it.   Jeff Hanson works for Heartland Communications in Fort Dodge. His speech gave a lot of inspiration to the Rabiner students and graduates.  Jeff Hanson stated that he wants to help the next generation of kids. He says, "I want them to know there is a God who loves them and cares about them and that it doesn’t matter what trials they have in their life, they can use their trials or handicaps to help others and be a blessing.”  We all had a wonderful time listening to Jeff Hanson and on behalf of all of the whole Rabiner staff and students we’d like to thank him very much for visiting us.


Last May, two students, Josh and Kee, graduated from Rabiner Treatment Center and Manson Nothwest Webster school. Their families were in the audience to offer support and care. Josh got up to speak about how far he has come since he first got here and how he was going to make his future as bright as possible. Mr. Klug, CEO of Rabiner, and Mr. O’Brien, school principal, were there to speak about how far Josh and Kee have come since they first started and to wish them the best. Mr. Hanson was the guest speaker and he spoke about how he had to overcome many obstacles in life.  In addition, he spoke on how people didn’t think he would be able to accomplish all that he has.
            After the ceremony there were cookies and cake for everyone.  Teachers, students, and staff  congratulated them as well.  Congrats to both Josh and Kee from Rabiner Treatment Center.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Puppies!! May 2010

Ms. Winge's class brought the puppies back to RTC for one last visit before the end of the school year.  All of the students really appreciated it and had a great time petting and playing with the puppies!  Thanks Ms. Winge!!