Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mr. Simon's music class--Noah Playing

24 Club

The 24 Club is earned by getting 75% of 24's within a 1 month period. This month the 24 Club winners went bowling and then ate Subway lunches.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mrs.Chaney's 6th grade science class

Solid almond bark with heat added turns into a liquid. Mrs. Chaney's 6th grade science classes dipped pretzels into the liquid chocolate and allowed it to cool. As the chocolate cooled, it turned back into a solid state.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Students Of The Week

Student Of The Week is given to students who do good for the given week good job!!!

Teachers At RTC

December Awards

All the students that received awards worked very hard for them, so good job guys !!!  It's nice to see new faces with some of these awards!  Keep up the great work!