Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Awards

Middle School & High School Choir Singing

Hatchery #3

Hatchery #2


Murray McMurray Hatchery

Murray McMurray Hatchery from Webster City presented to the middle school and high school students on May 10th.  Curt McCoskey along with his son, Logan, explained to the students the process of the hatchery, the process of the chickens hatching from the eggs, and the care that is required for the baby chickens before they are shipped out.  Curt brought many different types of baby chickens for the students to see.  Attached are pictures of his visit!  Thank you SO much for sharing with us!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Electric Car Project

Mr. Dave's high school students are close to completing their semester long electric car project. Students from several classes have been working on the car. Math students created the initial design and cutting of the metal. The technology literacy and electronics students have done the majority of the assembly. Their goal is to have the car operational for the Carbon Awareness Day that will be held the last week of school! Great job gentlemen! It has been very fun to see the progress made on the car! Thanks to Mr. Dave and Mr. Guddall for all the hard work it has taken to get this project completed!

High School Foods Class

Ms. Adams' Foods class and Life Skills class enjoyed making Ratatouille and vegetable soup! They also made zucchini bread from fresh zucchini. Everyone was surprised that it tasted sooooo good! The class plans on making it again to share with their peers. The classes are trying to make healthy items in class so they have been adding more vegetables to their diets. Ms. Adams' classes have also been doing research about vegans and vegetarians for the Carbon Footprint science fair. They will be sharing more information about this and some of their yummy food at the fair on May 25th!

Table Tennis

Mr. Klug had his annual table tennis expo with all of the Rabiner PE classes.  They were able to play a little against him and get some tips!  They also got to watch him in action.  Thanks for having this again Mr. Klug!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OSHA and National Safety Training

Students in the vocational program have received OSHA training from ICCC trainer Tom Anderson.  This certification process consists of 10 classroom hours of instruction and demonstrations.  Along with the OSHA training, the students also received National Safety Training from Mrs. Winge, which consists of 6 classroom hours of instruction.  Both of these training are national and are good for a lifetime.  Great job gentlemen!!

Vocational Students Deconstruct!

The vocational students began to deconstruct buildings for the city of Fort Dodge as part of a training agreement with the city.  The students have been learning how to deconstruct the homes by taking out window casements, removing bathroom fixtures, removal of light fixtures, and the removing of decks and fencing.  In working in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, the items were then taken to the Restore store for sale, with profits utilized by Habitat for Humanity.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Puppies Visited!!

On Friday, April 30th, two dogs from the Humane Society came to visit Rabiner Students!  The two students who earned Student of the Month helped with Sophia and BoBo Bear!  The students played with the dogs and provided great fun for all of the students who were able to visit the puppies!  After returning the puppies to the Humane Society, the students were able to enjoy lunch at McDonalds!  Thanks to Mrs. Winge for setting this up!  The kids had a BLAST!!

STAR Student for 5-3 to 5-7

Allen is the STAR student for the week of 5-3 to 5-7-10.  He has been doing awesome in school behaviorally and academically!  He is a terrific role model!!  Keep up the great work Allen!

Monday, May 3, 2010

STAR Student for the week of 4-26 to 4-30

Congrats to Brian for being the STAR student for the week of 4-26 to 4-30!  He has been a great role model and has earned a perfect 24 for 9 days straight!  Great work Brian!!

Bowling F U N !!!

The transition kids got to go bowling with Mr. Ron and Ms. Kimberly.  They had a GREAT time!  They were pretty competitive with their scores!

Our Little Visitor On Campus!!!

We recently had a visitor on campus!  The kids thought it would be pretty cool to be able to keep the pony!  However, it's owner came and got him shortly after he arrived at Rabiner.  It was fun to have a pony while it lasted!   

24 Club Field Trip

The 24 Club award winners had the opportunity to go to Mason City to dig up some fossils.  They went to the Fossil and Prairie Center and Park Preserve.  They learned about the fossils, the time periods they came from, and worked with an Iowa DNR officer while they searched.  They also got to take a tour and learn about the history of the prairie, as well as tour the clay kilns that were used back in the early 1800's.  They really enjoyed it!!