Monday, October 25, 2010

Mr. Simon’s class was working hard learning new music. Each student was only able to hear themselves play because they had their head phones plugged into the back of their piano. Mrs. Armitage recorded 4 different songs on the camera. It was fun to listen to the class play music. Noah was the most experienced player and was playing a difficult piece of music. We can’t wait to hear them perform!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wind Chimes

Ms. Andrew’s Art class made wind chimes. They are made of 2 liter bottles covered with colored tissue paper. Hanging from the 2 liter bottle is shapes cut from more plastic bottles that were colored with glue and food coloring. The students then added bells for sound. The wind chimes sound and look wonderful. Way to be creative!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We took some pictures of Mr. Simon’s music class. They sounded wonderful!! We can’t wait to hear them perform.

STAR Middle School student 9/27 though 10/1

Congrats to Richie, the Middle School STAR student of the week!!  

Spanish Masks

Ms. Rachel’s first period and eighth period Spanish classes made bright and colorful masks for El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) for part of their cultural Fridays. The kids used torn up newspaper that they paper mached to a blown up balloon. When they got done paper maching, they popped the balloon with a thumbtack. Then they cut them in half and sanded and painted them a color of their choice. Both classes did an excellent job and the masks were made beautifully. Great Job!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Making pillows!!

Mrs. Andrews’s Art class made pillows to give as Christmas gifts to the students’ mothers and grandmothers. They made these pillows from scratch fabric and hand sewed the sixteen individual squares of fabric together. Then using a sewing machine, the students sewed the trimming on the side of the pillow. At the end of all the sewing, came the fun part….the stuffing!! The students had a lot of fun making the pillows and learning how to sew. Thanks to all of those who donated materials to complete this project.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Mrs. Andrew’s middle school Art class made scarecrows out of clothes hangers, sticks, and construction paper. The scarecrows were really cool and very colorful. Good Job!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Safety Certified

Mrs. Winge’s Vocational Program completed safety training in class.   The purpose of this training was to prepare the students for industrial hazards that could happen in a work environment.  The class had to complete a certain amount of hours to be certified. The safety training covered construction hazards, kitchen hazards, health hazards and safety hazards.  Everyone had a fun time doing the training and gained a lot of useful information!

Blog Class


Our blog class works on taking photos of projects that happen during school. We then edit photos before putting them on the Rabiner blog site. There are 3 students in this class. We've been working with Picnik, a photo editing site, to get all of our pictures into tip top shape for the blog.  We will soon be working with GIMP, a program similiar to Photo Shop, so we can get more photo editing options.  Ms. Armitage, our teacher, is the person who looks over our work.  When it is done, Ms. Armitage also teaches us how to use and edit the photos on the blog site.  David, Colby and Jared would like to thank Ms. Armitage for making this class as fun as it is!!   

Friday, October 8, 2010

Aquarium Diorama

Ms.Andrew’s art class made a creative project called an Aquarium Diorama which consisted of using laptop cardboard boxes. All the students in the class said they really enjoyed making the project. They had very colorful fish and reefs that were 3D. Great job middle school art class!

Pumpkin Time!!!!

Mr. Carmen and some students from Rabiner planted pumpkins in pots the first part of May.  They transplanted them outside in the middle part of May. Overall, they grew 49 pumpkins!! They plan on making into Jack-O-Lanterns. Students will get to choose the pumpkin of their choice based on their average school point total. Good job to Mr. Carmen and the kids that helped him.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rocket Bakery!

Foods class and Introduction to Business students started the Rocket Bakery this trimester. Students from Foods have been studying the need for kitchen safety and sanitation. Introduction to Business students have been completing cost analysis of the bakery products by utilizing spreadsheets to keep all totals of the sales of the products and purchases needed to keep the bakery business profitable. It was determined that to begin the Rocket Bakery all potential customers would have to have a sample of the product. The first product from the bakery was determined to be white bread. After the samples were given out to potential customers, the sales orders were taken and production began. Thursday mornings both classes combine to set the yeast, and mix up the dough for the bread. During the day the dough is kneaded twice and then baked, bagged and is ready for distribution on Friday's. The cost of the supplies has been offset by the sale of the bread. The first week there were more orders for bread than could be made so the students discussed how they were to handle the problem. It was determined that every person would get a loaf of bread to get the product out, and then the next week work to fulfill all orders.
Next week, the Rocket Bakery will be selling cinnomon rolls! If you are looking to buy them please contact the Rocket Bakery. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fish Hatchery

Fishing at Spirit Lake in May

          On the last 24 club outing for the year, students at Rabiner took a field trip to Sprit Lake, Iowa to visit the fish hatchery and go fishing afterward.
The students had an amazing time. They enjoyed talking to the DNR officers. They taught the students how our lakes are kept clean. They then talked about how all the fish that go into the lake are handled before they are introduced back into their natural habitat. The staff and students at RTC would like to thank the Iowa DNR for letting us tour the fish hatchery!
          After the hatchery, the students went fishing with Mr. Ron and Ms. Amanda. The students caught lots of Blue Gills and Large Mouth Bass. It was a successful day of fishing and there were many stories of the big fish that got away!!!