Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rocket Bakery!

Foods class and Introduction to Business students started the Rocket Bakery this trimester. Students from Foods have been studying the need for kitchen safety and sanitation. Introduction to Business students have been completing cost analysis of the bakery products by utilizing spreadsheets to keep all totals of the sales of the products and purchases needed to keep the bakery business profitable. It was determined that to begin the Rocket Bakery all potential customers would have to have a sample of the product. The first product from the bakery was determined to be white bread. After the samples were given out to potential customers, the sales orders were taken and production began. Thursday mornings both classes combine to set the yeast, and mix up the dough for the bread. During the day the dough is kneaded twice and then baked, bagged and is ready for distribution on Friday's. The cost of the supplies has been offset by the sale of the bread. The first week there were more orders for bread than could be made so the students discussed how they were to handle the problem. It was determined that every person would get a loaf of bread to get the product out, and then the next week work to fulfill all orders.
Next week, the Rocket Bakery will be selling cinnomon rolls! If you are looking to buy them please contact the Rocket Bakery. 

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