Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Middle School Halloween Snacks

Mrs. Armitage and Mrs. Lunn's Middle School Math and Science students were rewarded with Apple Teeth for all their hard work. The creepy teeth were made from apple slices, peanut butter, and marshmallows. The teachers even jumped in to frighten the kids!!!

Apple Crisp

Ms. Adam's 8th Grade Foods Class prepared apple crisp and then enjoyed it the next day with vanilla ice cream! YUMMY!!

Mrs. Winge's Classroom

Mrs. Winge has a unique appeal to her high school classroom which the students and visitors really enjoy! She hung string across her room to display all the job site pictures that the students work at throughout the week. If you are near her room stop by to see the gallery of pictures!

High School Computer Class

Mr. Dave and Mr. Guddall's high school computer class! Two of the students are learning how to type a business letter and one student is working on the PLATO system!

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Awards Ceremony

Our October Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, October 15th. See below all of our award winners for this month!

Congratulations High School Transition Award Winners!!!
Great Job Middle School Transition Award Winners!!
These students are the lucky winners of the Transition award trip. This month they get to go to the Grotto with the 24 Club winners on the 29th of October.

These are the High School Good Conduct award winners.  These students will have an Ice Cream Party on the 29th of October!  Excellent job!

These are the Middle School Good Conduct award winners.  They will be joining the High School students for the Ice Cream party!

 The above pictures are some of the High School awards that were given at the October Awards Ceremony.

These are some of the Middle School awards that were given at the October Awards Ceremony.

These two students earned the Substitute award for demonstrating positive behaviors when there was a sub in the classroom.  They received a treat from Mr. O'Brien.

These two Middle School students earned the privilege of being a part of the 24 Club this month.  They had to earn 14--24's in order to be eligible for the trip to the Grotto on the 29th of this month.  Excellent job guys! 

These are the High School 24-Club winners!  They will be joining the middle school students when going to the Grotto!  Have fun gentlemen!

These young gentlemen earned the Principal's Award this month for demonstrating positive behaviors in the classroom and being a good role model.  Fantastic Job gentlemen!

These are pictures of the crowd while waiting patiently for the awards to be given out.  It was another great Awards Assembly this month!  Awesome job teachers and gentlemen!

STAR Student Week of 10/19 to 10/23/2009

Congratulations Jonathan for being the STAR student this week!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Keyboarding Lab

These are pictures of the new Keyboarding Lab.  Mr. Simon stated, "There aren't many labs in this part of the state, so it is a bold and innovative undertaking."  The lab was purchased through Aabaca, a music company from Minneapolis, and the Yamaha Music Corporation.  Mr. Simon and Mr. Ryan installed the lab in the science room in the high school this fall.
The lab allows eight clients and a teacher to play the piano and listen to each other.  Each student gets a lesson that must be completed that day.  The teacher listens to the students while they are practicing.  If the student plays it right, it can be shared with the rest of the class.  When the class has mastered that lesson, they perform it together.  Only then are they allowed to go to the next lesson.  So far the Middle and High School vocal students are the only students that have been able to use the lab, but hopefully soon it will be available to all Rabiner clients and staff.
Awesome job Mr. Simon and Mr. Kelleher!  Way to integrate new and exciting technology into the classroom!

Iowa Central Community College "Noises Off" Play

On Wednesday, October 14th, all of the Rabiner students and staff were invited to Iowa Central Community College to see the dress rehearsal of the play "Noises Off." The play was about a play from the backstage perspective. All three acts are different views of the play, "Nothing On." Read below to find out about each act in this hilarious comedy.
This picture portrays all the cast members and the theater director, Teresa Jackson.
Act One
Act One is set at the dress rehearsal, the night before the opening of the play. The cast members are still having a hard time remembering their lines, where they are suppose to be, and props in the wrong places.

Act Two
Act Two follows the same play but a month later and backstage. The characters are fighting amongst themselves and doing things backstage and on-stage to cause more chaos.
Act Three
Act Three is the final act of the play. It is set at the end of the ten-week run when the personal friction amongst the cast is at an all time high. The cast is bored and anxious to be done with the play. The actors are attempting to cover up mistakes but only make the performance worse.
The students really enjoyed this comedic play!! The director and cast did a wonderful job!! Thank you ICCC for inviting us to your dress rehearsal!