Monday, October 19, 2009

October Awards Ceremony

Our October Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, October 15th. See below all of our award winners for this month!

Congratulations High School Transition Award Winners!!!
Great Job Middle School Transition Award Winners!!
These students are the lucky winners of the Transition award trip. This month they get to go to the Grotto with the 24 Club winners on the 29th of October.

These are the High School Good Conduct award winners.  These students will have an Ice Cream Party on the 29th of October!  Excellent job!

These are the Middle School Good Conduct award winners.  They will be joining the High School students for the Ice Cream party!

 The above pictures are some of the High School awards that were given at the October Awards Ceremony.

These are some of the Middle School awards that were given at the October Awards Ceremony.

These two students earned the Substitute award for demonstrating positive behaviors when there was a sub in the classroom.  They received a treat from Mr. O'Brien.

These two Middle School students earned the privilege of being a part of the 24 Club this month.  They had to earn 14--24's in order to be eligible for the trip to the Grotto on the 29th of this month.  Excellent job guys! 

These are the High School 24-Club winners!  They will be joining the middle school students when going to the Grotto!  Have fun gentlemen!

These young gentlemen earned the Principal's Award this month for demonstrating positive behaviors in the classroom and being a good role model.  Fantastic Job gentlemen!

These are pictures of the crowd while waiting patiently for the awards to be given out.  It was another great Awards Assembly this month!  Awesome job teachers and gentlemen!

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