Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Anti-Stigma Assembly

Brad Luthe and his mom, Sherri, came to Rabiner to discuss Anti-Stigma. He stressed the importance of accepting people for who they are and how they do not ask for their mental illness. Brad showed a power point that he put together that explained types of stigma and ways to overcome it. Brad admitted that at some point of his life he has participated in stigma and stated that everyone makes mistakes. He and his mom talked to students after the assembly individually and answered questions. This assembly hit home for several students and showed them that it is possible to overcome stigma. Thank you Brad and Sherri!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having us present. You were an AWESOME audience with wonderful participation. Thanks for helping us spread the word to STOP STIGMA, Let others know there is help out there, and just say Hi!

    Sherri Luthe
