Friday, September 25, 2009

September 2009 Awards Ceremony

The top two pictures are the High School and Middle School Transition recipients. A student draws 10 names from all the recipients. The last picture is the 10 students who will be attending the fishing trip with Mr. Ron. Way to go boys!

These are the High School and Middle School Good Conduct recipients. They will be having an ice cream party Thursday afternoon, 9/24/09. Nice Job!

These are the High School and Middle School 24 Club Members for September!! They are rewarded with a field trip to Ledges State Park all day September 24th. Have fun on your day off!

Congratulations Noah V! He is the Middle School Winner of the Principal Award this month. He will get to eat pizza with Mr. O'Brien during lunch. The High School winner was Brandon K. Way to go guys!

The Middle School Nominees in the first picture are Quinlan B., Rodney S., and Raymone W. The winner for the Middle School is Raymone W. and the High School winner is Tyler S. Congratulation gentlemen! Enjoy your lunch at Chef's Kitchen!

Mr. Guddall, Mr. Hart and Ms. Adam's handing out their content awards to the High Schoolers!

Mrs. Armitage and Ms. Maggie handing out content awards to the Middle Schoolers!

The Rabiner Students waiting patiently as the different awards are called during the ceremony.

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